Civil War & Reconstruction

United States History

Civil War & Reconstruction Unit

Be sure to read all assignments carefully. Write your position papers giving your opinions based on the facts of the reading, in ink. This paper must be passed in on the day of discussion or receive half credit only. Late excused papers will be passed in the day you return to class.
Enduring Understandings:

Sectional crisis would lead to the Civil War, would scare the nation and forever change the relationship between the federal government and the states.

Individuals of exceptional quality can often change the course of history.

The Civil war and Reconstruction brought about dramatic political, social and economic changes in American society.

  1. Lecture/Reading : Decade of Crises
                                                           The Americans p. 304-328
                                                           Video: Ken Burns’ Civil War Series; The Cause

  1. Lecture: Election of 1860 and Secession "Secessionitis"
                    Lincoln, Douglas, Breckenridge, Bell
                                                                          The Americans p.328-331

  1. Dilemma: Fort Sumter
                                           The Americans p. 336-339

  1. Comparison Charts: Advantages and Disadvantages of the North and South
                                                                                             The Americans  p.338-345
                    Population, Railroads, Industry, Banking, Leadership, Cause/Momentum

  1. Video: Civil War Series by Ken Burns: Episode (Second Battle of Bull Run)

     7.  Civil War Game w/Handouts (Good data for writing position papers)

     8. “In comparing political and military leadership of the North and South during the Civil War, it would be          
           the South with the outstanding leadership.”
                                                       The Americans p.346-365
                                                      "No Retreat: Grant's Overland Campaign" by Laura Phillips
                                                      "Total War" by Susan Hofstetter 
                                                                            Battle of Fredericksburg                                                                                                     9. Activity: Sub-Committee Report on Reconstruction  RUBRIC

 10. U.S. History in Context: Reconstruction
         Crash Course: Reconstruction

11. "America's Second Sin" by Henry Louis Gates Jr. Time April, 15, 2019

12. Lecture/Power Point: Radical Republican Reconstruction
                          Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
                                                                               The Americans p.376-401

Statement Paper Rubric: Leadership of the Civil War

Idea Development
(Course Specific)
Creates a strong well defined thesis with a profound position established on the statement.
Creates a clear thesis with a defined position on the statement.
Opening thesis is established with a wavering position on the statement.
Opening thesis established no clear position on the statement.
Supporting Details
(Course Specific)
Fully developed analysis of both political and military leadership during the Civil War. Compelling arguments and examples with insightful elaboration to support position.
Careful analysis of both political and military leadership during the Civil War. Relevant arguments and examples with sufficient reasoning to support position.
Some analysis of both political and military leadership during the Civil War. Arguments and examples are thinly developed with some relevant details to support position.
Limited analysis of leadership during the Civil War. Arguments are generalized with random examples and information that may or may not support position.
Use of Resources
(Information Literacy))
Highly effective selection and use of resources, including both primary and secondary sources. Skilled application of MLA formatting.
Careful selection and use use of  resources, including both primary and secondary sources. Appropriate application of MLA formatting.
Narrow selection and simplistic use of resources. Sporadic and/or inconsistent application of MLA formatting.
Poor selection and misguided/limited use of resources. Little to no effort in the application of MLA formatting.
 Sentence Fluency
(Course Specific)
All sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud. Each sentence is clear and has an obvious emphasis.
Almost all sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud, but 1 or 2 are stiff and awkward or difficult to understand.
Most sentences sound natural and are easy-on-the-ear when read aloud, but several are stiff and awkward or are difficult to understand.
The sentences are difficult to read aloud because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or difficult to understand.
Management of Time
(Learning Skills)
Paper is submitted on time; effective use of class time and strong evidence of effort outside of class.
Paper is submitted on time; good use of class time and evidence of effort outside of class.
Work is only partially completed for class; use of class time and out of class time needs improvement.
Work is late; inappropriate use of class time and no evidence of out of class time.

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