Blizzard Bag: W.W. I Review

What a terrible time to have a Snow/Rain Day when we were scheduled to test today on our unit. I am going to leave you with  an alternative test review by accessing the Blizzard Bag that is titled W.W. I Review and answer the questions. The questions are posted below. You may make a copy and submit your responses on line or bring them to class when we return. If you feel you know this material extremely well you may choose to write your essay from home as an alternative assignment and that will leave you with completing the rest of the test when we return. Please email me your essay if that is the option you go with. I hope you all have a Wonderful Holiday!
Mr. Meyers
U.S. History
World War I: The Americans p. 576-609

  1. Provide an example of each of the underlying causes of World War I.

  1. What was the spark that started the war?

  1. Name three countries on the Allied side.

  1. Name three countries on the Central Powers side.

  1. How did each side use its naval strength during the war?

  1. What were two main reasons the US declared war on Germany?

  1. Name two American war heroes from World War I.

  1. When was the Armistice signed?

  1. What was the War Industries Board?

  1. How did the US pay for the war?

  1. Who was George Creel and what did he do?

  1. How did the Espionage and Sedition Acts threaten the civil liberties of Americans?

  1. What factors contributed to the Great Migration of African-Americans during the war?

  1. What were the major goals of the 14 Points?

  1. Who were the “Big Four”?

  1. Why didn’t the Senate ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

  1. Name three legacies of World War I.

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